Thursday, May 22, 2008

Depending on Gods Love!!!!

"Be Gentle with yourself and on Gods love". For a while I have not fully understood that statement. While I was on my retreat Sister Meg recommended I read a book called The Fearless Trust of St. Therese of Lisieux Holy Darling. The books talks about how Therese went before the Lord with honestly and openness (Parrhesia). Well, I have been reading and reflecting upon the book. I have not been fully honest and open with the Lord. On my retreat I started to tap into opening myself up to the Lord. I have struggles a lot with some specific sins but I have not realized that through all of my struggles I have become closer to the Lord Jesus Christ. The book states that, "She did not let her defects cause discouragement but learned to love them for the way they kept her dependent, with the greatest immediacy, moment by moment upon Gods Grace". My weaknesses help me as a person to depend on the lord on a deeper level that ever before. I am slowly learning to be gentle with myself because Jesus is Gentle on ME!!!


When I commit a sin help me to be gentle with myself like you are to your little children!!!

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