Ever since I heard FAther Jack talk about the Eucharist I have made connections about the Body of Christ, and I possibly had a few insights before the retreat but didnt put two and two together until I think possibly this moment. Ever since second grade I have been recieving the Eucharist. The first time I recieved the Eucharist was on the tounge and it tasted like an ice cream cone. But as I have grown the Eucharist means so much more to me. Growing up Altar Serving became a part of my life. Not until I went on the March for Life in 2008 did I realize the importance of being brought up a server. Being a server you are literally close to the Eucharist. I think thats as close as you can get without being the priest and without being in the tabernacle with JEsus. Seeing how my mother and father sat my brother, sister and I in the front I guess it was only natural for me to be close to Jesus. Being a server meant I was able to sit near the consecration, and hold the patens when people were recieving communion. I served many masses and confirmations. Confirmations made me feel like an important person because I was helping the bishop, the head of our diocese. The first confirmation I served I held the Bishops hat (or mitor). But I didnt realize that I was intimately close to the Eucharist when I talked to Father Joe on the march for life. I was telling him about my past volunteering with the Churcfh and I mentioned that I altar served for many of years. He then mentioned, :So you are close to the Eucharist". This would make sense because Im helping Jesus serve the Last supper by helping him prepare, cleanup and I would say serve it. But the Eucharistic ministers and the priest and eacons are the servers of the Eucharist. AFter I stopped serving is when I was kind of unsure of how to become close to the Eucharist. It was after FAther O'Connor made the comment that began to visit communities. When I saw the postulants and novives at the Daughters of St. Paul helping with mass. I though to myself, "They are serving mass". Ive also seen others such as the Sisters of Life preparing for mass and for such things as exposition and adoration. At the last retreat (my first) retreat with the Sisters of Life I built a huge strong relationship with our Lord and Savior. I learned to Let JEsus love me. That occured when we had a healing serive with the monstrance and the priest blessing you with Jesus (Amazing). Now today at 3:10 Everything seem to change when the Blessed Sacrament appeared in the chapel. When you see Jesus placed in front of everyone nothing else matters at that moment. When the monstrance was placed in the Altar the Altar and the church seem to be transformed into something wonderful and amazing. I want to see Jesus placed on the Altar every moment of my life. Its sad JEsus Died for us but what came out of it was beauty and his body in the Eucharist on display for the world to see.
O Master Jesus Way TRuth and Life Is this where you are calling me to be?
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