Friday, October 3, 2008

The Seed Part 2

During junior year I began to look into religious orders. In the fall in was introduced to my first order The Daughters of St. Paul. The Daughters of Saint Paul is an apostolic order whose mission is to preach the Gospel through the media which includes music, books, and etc. Because my pastor knew I was a communication studies and played the saxophone he sent me a pamphlet on the order. Then not too long afterwards my friends priest Father Mark, said there was an order that dealt with the media called the Daughters. Was Jesus trying to tell me something? I don't know yet!! At then end of the month I was fortunate to attend the Right to Life March in Washington DC. Throughout the trip I was able to talk to our diocesan vocation Director Father O'connor. We were able to discuss my life. As our conversation progressed I talked about my worries about school and he gave me a quote which I have remember ever since. The quote is "Nail yourself to the Desk Like Christ to the Cross". I was also able to discuss my possible vocation to religious life and what steps I should take to look into religious life. He told me there was book that was full of different orders, along with their postcards so you could send for their information. Great trip Great motivation Great Man of God.

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