Monday, January 26, 2009

8th day of silence!!!

Friday 12:10

I found Love of JEsus Christ during mass once again today. I was focused, I listened an felt the presence of JEsus Christ. Mass solitifies that I was to be a Sister of Life if it is the will of God. The Eucharist is the power and Glory.


I dont want daily mass and prayer to end with the sisters. I want to do this for the rest of my life. I cant loose the Eucharist. A sister with two bottles of wine now thats a good time. I cant leave Jesus. I want to be with him. In a matter of speaking I will be in 15 minutes. When the exposition of the blessed sacrament begins. Thats where it all begins. Jesus. Jesus is at the core of my soul.


After time with the Lord in Adoration

Why did I almost fall asleep. My mind was going every which way. Why? First it was a classmates mother passing away of cancer when I was in middle school, staying at the benedictines in PA, the german girl, and thinking about where she was going to stay, staying with Sister G. at chantel(never happened). Does these have to do with my vocation. At the moments of pure joy for the Sisters I have made a decision bus it it a retreat high. Its silent. How can that be a retreat "high".

Speak Now for your servant is listening

Why was my energy drained in the Eucharist


The Lord spoke during my intense rosary. He said give it up for my sake. The Daughters of St. Paul. I have a feeling it does. If I give up the prospect of becoming a Dauughter God must have something deeper in store for me.

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